Welcome to the Internet Addicts Association Homepage
What is the IAA
The IAA, is an informal association formed by a group of teenagers in the month of July '99.It exists in order to forewarn people of the dangers of internet use, and the addiction that may follow. This page is written for internet addicts by internet addicts and therefore, we understand your requirements and can easily relate to your problems. This addiction is recognised worldwide.
So how can this page help?
In the next few pages, you will be exposed to a number of different problems, each related to abuse of internet usage.If you find that you can relate to any of these problems, then you need to seek help and links providing the guidance that you need will be placed on the corresponding pages. Remember, we are here to help you overcome your addiction so that both you and your family and friends can live peacefully and in harmony.
But....How do I know if I'm addicted?
Those who find that they are addicted to the internet , are usually aware, symptoms include: 1)Usage of the internet 24/7 2)Inhability to find fun anywhere but online 3)Forming an intimate relationship online 4)Shopping online 5)Turning down an offer to go down the pub, so that you can talk to your"online friend" If you are experiencing any of the above problems, then you may already be in danger. If so, read on!!For your own good and for the good of others.
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